Established in the 1970s the Laurel Regional Program is made up of students from the Central Virginia Area. Students in the Laurel Regional Program have complex health needs, severe behaviors and other factors which prevent them from participating in the general education curriculum in any area at their home schools. At Laurel we use the Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL),  goals from students IEP’s and several published curriculums as our basis for Curriculum. Among those curriculums that we use frequently are the following:  Every Move Counts- which is a sensory based curriculum for students with limited mobility, A Functional Assessment and Curriculum for Teaching Students with Disabilities--which covers functional goals and academics at four levels, Meville to Weville--which is a reading curriculum, ABLLS--which is geared to our higher functioning students, the Attainment Work station system--which lets students use the computer to work on individual goals and H.E.L.P. which is designed for students who function below the pre-school level.